We decided to try our hand at homemade lavender playdough this weekend.
We used the dough method where you boil one and half cups of water. While it is boiling, you finely chop a sprig of lavender (I then added it to the water along with the food coloring). Separately we added two cups of plain flour, one cup of salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
We then poured in the water, mixing with a spoon until it was cool enough to knead. We kneaded and then of course played with it.
It smelled really good, however, the dough was grainy from the salt, so next time, I think we will try the method where you cook the dough on the stove top and dissolve the salt. Has anyone ever made dough with Epson salt? Is that a thing? Could you imagine lavender and Epson salt dough? Now that would be relaxing. I'll keep you updated on how the cooking dough method works. I think we will try it for our preschool group in two weeks.